Thursday, October 30, 2008

Meaningful Syawal...

Salam to all....

Today is the last day of Syawal; a month of giving away charities/donations for those who need, sharing and exchange food, visiting families and friends (or..looking around what are the new furniture and items in their houses.. keh!keh!).. even a time where the so called "silent war" occured for those who are married on the eve or 1st day of Syawal.

Here're some Raya photos rcvd from some of you... (these are not this year's photos.. but tak apa kan); from top.. my family and in-laws, below.. Azie's family (tembam betul pipi.. mesti terlebih soda bikarbonat), Mary & her 2 heros, and Yati & family (this is really an old photos coz now she is slimmer and additional of 1 more son).

As for myself, for the past weeks it was so hectic and stressfull as too many open houses that we (myself and family) had to attend.. gossshh!! Anyway, talking about open house I guess only Mary had hers.. and personally I feel so touched that your guests are the orphanages. Alhamdulillah.. Anyway, my apologize as I was not attending yours coz I did not receive your mail.

Okay.. we will soon have our 'casual' 2nd gathering. But before I do that, let me announcing some good news of our friend.. Cikgu ATIKAH KABOL.
Atikah is getting married on this coming 29 Nov 2008 to her soulmate; Hussein Hj Jamil. Her wedding shall be held at her hometown, Tg Karang.
Venue: Lot 1369, Jalan Tiram Jaya, Kg Sg Gulang-gulang, 45500 Tg Karang, Selangor.
I believe that some of us have rcvd her invitation and even to few may not receive it yet... anyway, bersabar kay. It is on the way....Worst to worst, if you gals still have not receive it yet from her you can have the attached map. So I hope to see everyone on her big day.
Together with her invitation card she is also promoting attraction places for our personal day out; Bukit Melawati, watching fireflies or dining at seafoods. I've been Tg Karang many times so to add on Atika's promotion, here in this "cowboy" town you can find the biggest satay (even Samuri's pun kalah). Location of the restaurant is next to bus station after Pasir Penambang. You will find long queues in this rest., but it is worth it to wait coz the size and taste... fullamakkk! So be there in the evening; around 5-6pm, to avoid the queue. To stay overnite, there are motels/hotels and if you want free accommodation we have Saniah's Hotel & Lodging.. kah!kah!kah!

Oh yes.. bawak hadiah yang besau-besau yee sebab you all pun dah besau-besau, kerja besau, kereta besau dan.. gaji pun besau.
I am looking forward for this time gathering.. see you then!

Also a few days after our blog was up, Ina called me all the way from Berkshire, UK (note: thank you my dear!! Appreciate your precious advice). She is happy with her bz life (surrounding by her adorable children) and her new role of being "Home Minister" for Izak's family. Below are her photos and her children; this is not latest photos coz I got these before we had our 1st gathering.

Are you gals still remember Yang Elina Shahnaz; tall and short hair with spec.? Still tak boleh ingat?? Okay.. she was from CBN? Remember??? I managed to get in touch when I received her mail with leaving her mobile no. She is now working in Puchong and live in Rawang. I will forward to you our latest contact no to you soon and if you have changed tel no etc, pls drop me a message.

You are most welcome to be part of the editor for this blog; to update latest gossips, photos, business/career opportunities (esp. for me.. will be jobless by June '09 onwards). Get the password from me.. okay.
Till then.. cheers and wassalam..


Ninie said...

yeyyy...i'm the first to comment!

Syawal mmg bulan yg aku excited tggu setiap tahun..donno why..dah tua2 nie pun masih excited nak sambut raya. Setahun sekali kan. tu je masa nak berehat pun, kalo tak asyik keja keja keja...maklumlah keja makan gaji.

Tahun nie aku sambut raya di sebelah mertua so kemeriahannya of course tak sama dgn menyambut di rumah mak sendiri kan kan...biasa lah tu...

Since u already uploaded some pics, why not compile the pics of raya from all of us? buat gallery lah...cadangan dari aku...tq

psst Awa, bebudak lain x baca ke blog ko nie? kena promo lebih sikit kot...hehe...

ATPN '89 said...

Ninie..Tima kasih being the first commentor.. Appreciate it. Mcmana nak promo lagi ye kat kawang2 kita yg lain?? Any idea? Anyway the latest updates ni aku tak habak via sms, tak sempat laa.

Mcm aku.. every year it is a compulsory to spend our raya eve and 1st raya with my in-laws.. it is a MUST. Hubby aku kan the only son, so tak ada pilihan. But on the 1st raya nite, we usually go back to my parents' home and spend there for a week. So, kira fair gak ler.

Pasal compiling latest raya photos.. mmg aku setuju. Why not you all upload sendiri.. password, nnt aku bagi via mail/sms kay. But if you are not sure to upload it, just forward it to me.. tapi aku upload lambat sikit lerrr. Best is you upload yourself then you gals boleh cerita skit... layannnnnn